Rosegold Celtic Harp Essences
Connecting with nature's music and the wisdom of the soul
Created by Julie Darling
Created by Julie Darling
What Vibrational Essences are

All essences have two essential ingredients - water and vibrations. Spiritual writings from many traditions make references to 'healing waters' and 'the living waters', so it seems that our ancestors already knew that healing vibrations can be stored and transmitted through the pure medium of the life-giving water that flows through our planet.
Water was sacred and precious. The water from sacred wells had special properties. Holy water from places of pilgrimage such as Lourdes has always been used without question in churches all over the world and still is today.
More recently Dr Emoto has produced dramatic photographs to illustrate the profound yet subtle effects of vibrations of intent, energy and sound on water, all of which help create the Rosegold Celtic Harp Essences.
Water was sacred and precious. The water from sacred wells had special properties. Holy water from places of pilgrimage such as Lourdes has always been used without question in churches all over the world and still is today.
More recently Dr Emoto has produced dramatic photographs to illustrate the profound yet subtle effects of vibrations of intent, energy and sound on water, all of which help create the Rosegold Celtic Harp Essences.
I play my harp in wild places, and at ancient sacred sites, working with the holy resonance of each site, with the natural elements of wind, wave and birdsong, and my own sacred intent, spoken through ancient and modern prayers, chants and blessings.
Science and Ancient Wisdom

My work draws on an understanding of how science has brought affirmation of what the ancients knew – that the entire world is in vibration, and where there is vibration there is sound.
If we open our hearts and bodies to connect with this world of vibration and sound, we can begin to bring balance and wholeness to our physical bodies, to find peace of mind and spirit, and bring the wisdom of the soul into conscious awareness.
Orbs of light appeared in the holy water as the harp was played for the making of the Abundant Life Harp Essence. The power of vibration ... on levels beyond our understanding.
If we open our hearts and bodies to connect with this world of vibration and sound, we can begin to bring balance and wholeness to our physical bodies, to find peace of mind and spirit, and bring the wisdom of the soul into conscious awareness.
Orbs of light appeared in the holy water as the harp was played for the making of the Abundant Life Harp Essence. The power of vibration ... on levels beyond our understanding.
How Vibrational Harp Essences work

As it has done since ancient times, and in cultures around the world, the harp mediates the hidden worlds through the vibration of harp strings, bringing music to ease and comfort us.
The Celtic Harp Essences weave together the world of vibration that surrounds and permeates us, and holds that resonance in pure spring water so that we can take in the vibration to act as a prompt for our own natural ability to heal the wounds that hold us back from living a truly authentic life.
Each essence contains the vibrations of the sounds of nature and of harp music played with sacred intent in wild and sacred places; of words spoken with sacred intent; the vibrations of our own bodies; the energetic resonance of the land itself while the music is being played.
The Celtic Harp Essences weave together the world of vibration that surrounds and permeates us, and holds that resonance in pure spring water so that we can take in the vibration to act as a prompt for our own natural ability to heal the wounds that hold us back from living a truly authentic life.
Each essence contains the vibrations of the sounds of nature and of harp music played with sacred intent in wild and sacred places; of words spoken with sacred intent; the vibrations of our own bodies; the energetic resonance of the land itself while the music is being played.
What they do

I work within a framework that would be familiar to our Celtic ancestors, following the belief that we need to be fully grounded, fully present and rooted in the earth, before we can travel the deeper path to transformation.
Rosegold Celtic Harp Essences support our own soul healing processes, so that we can move forward, gently but effectively, in our own time. They work to support us on the pathway towards spiritual transformation and self-realisation; towards balance, integration and wholeness.
We can begin to actually glimpse that state that we are often told about, and yearn for – that state of union where we are all one, where there is no duality. Then we truly know that we are inter-connected in a beautiful web of being with all living things.
Rosegold Celtic Harp Essences support our own soul healing processes, so that we can move forward, gently but effectively, in our own time. They work to support us on the pathway towards spiritual transformation and self-realisation; towards balance, integration and wholeness.
We can begin to actually glimpse that state that we are often told about, and yearn for – that state of union where we are all one, where there is no duality. Then we truly know that we are inter-connected in a beautiful web of being with all living things.

Celtic Harp Essences – Joining Heaven and Earth
I have made Celtic Harp Essences in many parts of the British Isles, including sites such as Wearyall Hill in Glastonbury, where a Holy Thorn Tree stood before it was sadly cut down. I have played secret music in the heart of an ancient Northumberland Yew Tree at the full moon on the Spring Equinox.
I have heard the vibrations of my harp resonate with the hidden depths of a Cumbrian cave, and heard the wind play the harpstrings on the shores of Iona, while dolphins leaped through the white surf nearby.
I have the joy of working to develop new Harp Essences in new places and familiar sacred sites. These will be available, with their Essence Music, on this website in the near future.
I have made Celtic Harp Essences in many parts of the British Isles, including sites such as Wearyall Hill in Glastonbury, where a Holy Thorn Tree stood before it was sadly cut down. I have played secret music in the heart of an ancient Northumberland Yew Tree at the full moon on the Spring Equinox.
I have heard the vibrations of my harp resonate with the hidden depths of a Cumbrian cave, and heard the wind play the harpstrings on the shores of Iona, while dolphins leaped through the white surf nearby.
I have the joy of working to develop new Harp Essences in new places and familiar sacred sites. These will be available, with their Essence Music, on this website in the near future.