‘Ground Truth’ is a term used to describe a fundamental truth. It is often used in relation to the collection of natural data, often for the purpose of making maps.
Science and Spirituality
Julie and Jack Darling present a unique day of music, poetry, scientific insight and spiritual wisdom to explore the hidden mysteries of the natural world. Together, we explore how the natural world can provide us with our own map and guidance into how to live more authentically.
Time for peace
The day offers time for peace and quiet reflection with the music of the harp and guitar. Inspiration from scientific information about the natural world, and teachings from Celtic spirituality show how nature can help us in our search for an authentic way of living.
Creative writing or drawing
There will be time to write or draw your own insights from the day, whether that be through journaling, writing poetry or drawing images which are inspired by the live music of harp and guitar.
Or just ‘be’
You are welcome to come and simply enjoy a day of music, poetry and peace, or to engage in your own creative process through writing or image making.
About Julie and Jack
Julie has been working with the harp, poetry and art as expressions of her spiritual connection with the natural world, for twenty five years. She offers days for meditation and renewal at Centres around the UK, as well as workshops to explore spirituality and creativity through art and music.
Jack’s love of the natural world led him to become a Zoologist. He is also an accomplished Classical Guitarist. Jack presents scientific insights into the hidden workings of animal life on our planet, and reflects on how this can help us gain fresh perspectives on living an authentic life that is true to our own nature.